Growing Together - Day 10: Peace

Growing Together – Day 10: Peace

READ: Philippians 4:6-7

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

If we think of prayer as a ‘quiet time’ exercise only, we are going to be in trouble with this verse.  If you’ll allow me to paraphrase Paul’s words, he says: When you are tempted to worry about a given situation, pray.  And, if we only pray during quiet times, we are likely to anxious the rest of the time! J

So, let’s pray as often as we think about our needs.  Let’s pray with gratitude for the privileged position which allows us to bring our concerns directly to the Redeemer King without any reservation or fear.  Let’s let our requests be made known, and allow the peace of God, expressed most fully in Christ Jesus and communicated to us by His Spirit, to guard our hearts and our minds against worry.

There is a small book written about the life of Brother Lawrence (a 17th century monk) entitled, The Practice of the Presence of God.  In the book, Brother Lawrence describes that his method for non-anxious communion with God was simply to do his ordinary work – out of a pure love for God – and to let his activities, his challenges, his successes, and his failures be the catalysts for an ongoing conversation with His loving Creator.

PLAN: What’s your day look like today?  This week?  Where are the places in your day where you might need to remind yourself of the conversation you are in with the Almighty?  Schedule some reminders.  

PRAY: Keep Talking and Keep Listening.

THIS WEEKEND: Think through the people you typically pray for (maybe start a 3x5 card for each). What is your specific prayer for them, and how are you watching for God’s involvement/intervention, and plan how you could be more genuinely engaged with them (which would spur your prayers for them)?