Firmly Rooted is our parenting discipleship ministry. We offer various classes each year designed to encourage and equip parents as they lead their children through faith in light of today’s cultural challenges.

Led by our Pastor of Families & Children, Heather Stannard, take part in a deep dive look at your kids and your role as their primary example of faith. You’ll devote time in your own home to reading, discussing, doing “homework” and praying before gathering together to encourage one another.

This group is open to parents (married or single) with kids of any age. Grandparents are also welcome to join.


Wednesday Evenings, 6:30pm - 8:00pm

Understanding & Communicating with Our Kids

As we seek to disciple our kids, one of the key factors is developing and nurturing a relationship with our children that allows for good conversations all throughout their lives.

DATES: Feb 19, March 19, April 16, May 21

Building a Strong Marriage to Influence Our Kids

Outside of pursuing God in every aspect of our life, there is no greater investment we can make to influence our children to know and treasure Jesus than by building and maintaining a strong, godly, & loving marriage.

DATES: Sept 17, Oct 15, Nov 19

Navigating Truth vs Culture with Our Kids

There are a lot of ideas out there fighting for an opportunity to influence our kids. It is important to equip our children to learn to recognize and believe truth.

DATES: Spring 2026

Having Faith Conversations with Our Kids

As we teach our kids who God is and what it looks like to live in relationship with Him, it is important not only to clearly articulate the core beliefs of Christianity but also to empower our children to know why these beliefs are true.

DATES: Fall 2026


Cost is $25 - $75 per family for materials only. If doing this class as a couple, you are free to buy one copy and share or you may purchase one for each of you. These books are also available in digital or audio versions. If you are using those options, no need to purchase these books at this time. Books are available to purchase from us during registration.

  • Encourage parents in their own journey with the Lord.

  • Equip parents with a deeper understanding of cultural issues & how to navigate these with their children.

  • Equip parents with a deeper understanding of faith topics and how to navigate these with their children.

  • Couples growing together as they parent and disciple their children.

  • Building an encouraging community with other parents.

  • Help parents establish an action plan for intentional discipleship of their children.


"Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been FIRMLY ROOTED and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude. See to it that there is no one who takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception in accordance with human tradition, in accordance with the elementary principles of the world, rather than in accordance with Christ."

Colossians 2:6-8

  • Two hours of reading each week

  • For married couples taking the class together - one date night/time each month with spouse for purpose of discussing what both are reading and learning as well as working on Intentional Family Discipleship Action Plan Assignment (shared at last class).

  • 10-minute parenting devotional (spouses do together) once a week.

  • One night each month for coming together as class and discussing the reading topics as well as how to practically apply the ideas.


Understanding & Communicating with Our Kids

  • 5 Love Languages of Children: The Secret to Loving Children Effectively

  • No More Perfect Kids: Love Your Kids for Who They Are

  • Tech Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place

Building a Strong Marriage to Influence Our Kids

  • No More Perfect Marriages: Experience the Freedom of Being Real Together

Navigating Truth vs Culture with Our Kids

  • Another Gospel: A Lifelong Christian Seeks Truth in Response to Progressive Christianity

  • A Practical Guide to Culture: Helping the Next Generation Navigate Today’s World

Having Faith Conversations with Our Kids

  • Keeping Your Kids on God’s Side: 40 Conversations to Help Them Build a Lasting Faith