Life Groups at RCC are focused on exactly that - LIFE. Together, we dig into God’s word, share, pray, laugh, and encourage one another on a weekly basis. We believe these groups are the most natural expression of God’s design - to find our ultimate joy in Him and to do it alongside others.
What Is a Life Group?
Life Groups are RCC’s small groups of 10-14 people around our community who meet together weekly to spend time discussing interesting and important questions related to the text from Sunday’s message. They are a safe place to meet new people, build friendships, ask questions, grow in faith, serve others, and have fun. Each group meets once a week for about 1.5-2 hours.
Why Join a Life Group?
Here at RCC, Life Groups are the hub of our ministry and the main way to get connected. These groups are a great place for
CONNECTING WITH OTHERS – Your group will be a great way to meet new people and build healthy relationships.
GROWING TOGETHER – Through your group you can experience spiritual, emotional, professional and intellectual growth.
HAVING FUN – With a busy schedule, it can be hard to find time to just have fun. Every group looks for opportunities for fun social events together while continuing to engage in encouraging conversations.
SERVING OTHERS – Your group may even be a rewarding place to discover your specific gifts and to use them in serving others inside and possibly outside the group through sharing roles and even engaging in an outreach project.
How Can I Join a Life Group?
There are three easy ways to get signed up:
1) Sign up online at (website link) or download our Church Center App and register on the Events page.
2) Fill out a Connect Card during a worship service, indicating which group you'd like to join, and drop it in a "For God" box.
3) Visit the Life Group Info Table on campus before or after worship service and have our LG team help get you connected.
Whichever way you sign-up, we'll follow up with you to get you all the info you need to join a group.
When and Where Do They Meet?
Life Groups meet on various nights of the week, some at homes and some at RCC.
How Long Do They Last?
Each group will meet for during two semesters, with a Fall (Sept-Dec) and Spring (Jan-May) semester
Each Life Group semester lasts about 14-20 weeks, give or take a week. At the end of each session, you will have the choice of staying in the same group, trying a new group, or even taking a break. Most groups stay together throughout the entire year. There is time between each semester where we take a break to allow all our leaders and members to rest and and finalize new groups to be launched.
What Is the Required Commitment?
Joining a Life Group means that we hope you’ll find time to commitment to attend weekly meetings. During those meetings we hope all members will be active, engaged participants in the group discussions. Obviously, sometimes you get sick, go on vacation, or have work conflicts and other special events - no sweat. However, we truly believe a consistent commitment is the key to building and maintaining a strong Life Group for you and your entire group. You have the first three weeks to attend the group to make sure it's a good fit for you.
What About Child Care?
Life Groups are for adults only. (Exceptions can be made for nursing newborns). We leave it up to each family to work out their own childcare. Sometimes it works best for families to share a sitter or to swap childcare with another family whose group meets on a different evening.
What Will We Study?
Most of the studies are based on the previous weekend's sermon text. Our hope is that all of us will read the passage of Scripture on our own to form a basic understanding and bring our personal reflections and questions to the group. Together we’ll spend time in the group zeroing in on the author’s intent and applying what we’re learning to our everyday life. Each week we also offer a series of questions (7-8) on the back of the sermon notes sheet to help us discover what the passage says, discussion what it means, and do what it says.
What Does It Cost?
Few things in life are free and Life Groups are no exception! The cost of a great Life Group experience is the cost of commitment.
Your Life. Group may choose to have dinner or dessert and ask that you help to provide for that experience, but there is no sign up cost associated with Life Groups.
Are there Groups for Teenagers?
Yes, our Student Ministry offers CORE Groups for Middle and High School students. For more information about junior high or high school groups, please contact Justin Millsap, our Pastor of Students If you have any questions (especially if you are new to RCC), please don't hesitate to call the church, and we will gladly assist you. Keep in mind that it might take two or three groups before you find the perfect fit, but don't worry, you'll find it!