We desire that every member of RCC intentionally engage in relationships with those yet to believe with the hope that God will use us to reveal Christ’s love. Since God has called us to be His witnesses (Acts 1:8) everywhere, we find local and global ways to share life, faith, and the love of Christ in many ways to many group of people.
RCC leadership encourages all in our fellowship to grow in life groups and also to be involved locally in community activities that bring help and healing. A few of our church families efforts have brought connections that can be found here:
We Support:
R.E.A.C.H. - RCC Education, Action & Compassion for Human Trafficking
English Conversation for Internationals
HIS OC (Homeless Intervention Services) - Food and Supply Drives for Families in Need
Living Well Pregnancy Centers - Prayer, volunteering, and donating clothes and baby items
Meet our newest Ministry Partners, Altin and Diana Zefi.
altin and diana zefi
Location: Albania
Position: Church Planters
Mission: Altin and Diana are focusing full time on church planting in Albania. They are modeling the joy of Jesus and are training and sending out leaders from their base in Tirana.
John-Wayne Kennedy
Location: Mozambique
Position: Pastor and Chicken Farmer
Mission: John-Wayne is a pastor and chicken farmer who is spreading the Gospel by feeding children in Mozambique, one egg a day. We are happy to partner with him as he shares nutrition, education, and most importantly, Jesus with the young children and their families.
BUM Church
Femi & Belkize Cakolli
Location: Pristina, Kosova
Position: Pastor
Mission: BUM (Messiah Evangelical Fellowship) is a vibrant, evangelical church in a Muslim society, desiring to build self-replicating, self-supporting churches in Kosova and related countries. RCC is strongly supporting BUM as a sister church with whom we love to enjoy God together.
Location: New York, USA
Position: BILD International/GO2 Church Planter among Albanians.
Mission: Establishing an expanding network of strong local churches among ethnic Albanians worldwide. Evangelizing strategic communities, strengthening churches and entrusting the ongoing progress of the gospel to faithful Albanian leaders.
Mission: To catalyze indigenous movements of healthy leader development and care, thereby accelerating church planting and disciple-making in East Asia.
Doug & Jael Robitaille
Location: Asia Pacific
Position: Ministry Coordinator
Mission: Chronological Bible teaching, Church Leadership Development, Bible Translation, Partnerships Development
CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ)
Mission: To strategically send new missionaries where they are most needed internationally.
Bob & Carol Cruzen
Location: Wycliffe Bible Translators
Position: Director of Operations for Stewardship Ministries, Bible Translator
Mission: To assist in making God's word accessible to all people in the language of their heart.
CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ)
Mission: Jesus Films Projects
DICK KRYDER (& CHarlotte, recently deceased)
(formerly CAM Int’l)
Position: Teaching & Training in Hispanic World
Mission: Making & Empowering committed followers of Christ in the Spanish speaking world with focus on Midwest America.