Our hope is that no one would have to walk through the challenges of life alone. no one would need to struggle alone. no one would need to go without very personal reminders of God’s great love For them.
If you are personally in need of help or would like to help someone in need within our community, please click on the graphics to get in touch with us.
Other ways to can be involved in caring for people from RCC and within our local community
Prayer Ministry
“What is the best means of cheerfulness in such a world as this? How shall we get through this valley of tears with least pain? I know no better means than the regular, habitual practice of taking everything to God in prayer.” J.C. Ryle
At RCC, we want to pray for one another, we want to pray with one another, and we want to learn together how best to exercise our faith through prayer. If you would like to be contacted by our prayer team, email Pastor Keith.
Our Care Card Team creates and sends cards of hope and encouragement to those in our RCC family who are ill. No artistic talent is required. This is a great way to connect in ministry with others in the RCC family. We meet the 2nd Friday of the month from 10 am - noon and the 4th Monday of the month from 6-7:30pm. To become a part of this ministry of blessing, call the church office at (714) 524-1744.
Stephen Ministry
Stephen Ministers are members of our community of faith at RCC who receive special training to provide one-to-one, confidential Christian care for people who are experiencing challenges in life – grief, loneliness, divorce, hospitalization, disability, job loss, and many other life difficulties.
If you would like the emotional and spiritual support of a Stephen Minister, or if you feel like God has gifted you to care for others, please contact Keith Gove at keithg@richfieldcc.org