Chris WARD

Lead Pastor

A Southern California native, early on in his life Chris had dreams of being the CEO of a Fortune 500 company.  That’s what led him to USC for undergrad and a job at Goldman Sachs out of college.  But then Jesus grabbed a hold of his heart, and Chris developed a hunger to help others find their greatest joy in Jesus.  That’s why he left behind the corporate world and entered into full-time ministry.  Nearly two decades later, Chris has passionately and prayerfully come alongside others to help them understand God’s Word and see the deep truth of it.  Alongside his wife of more than 12 years, Chris loves a good day by the pool, drinking way too much Diet Coke, and laughing with his three kids.

Chariya Bissonette

Pastor of Worship Arts

Chariya Bissonette is a hybrid plant that has now come to grow at RCC. As a teenager she saw how bright the light of Jesus was, and since then, she always brings her passion for helping people express and receive their hope in Jesus through the arts. Her toolbox includes 25 years of broad experience in ministry, as a worship arts director, the corporate world, as a speaker and team trainer, the entertainment industry as a vocalist, writer, voice over artist and actress, and even being a sponsored painter (by Yamaha). Beyond the traditional church building, she has shared Jesus with others as a Gang Intervention Counselor and University Instructor. And we haven’t even begun to talk about all that music history knowledge she has tucked away for “name that tune” or trivia night…

Keith Gove

Pastor of Care & Outreach

Apparently Keith has a great fear of faraway places.  He was born in Placentia, went to college in Fullerton, attended to seminary in Brea, and is now on staff at RCC here in Yorba Linda.  He committed himself to Christ in his first year of college and studied to pursue ministry as a Bible translator – something he could do from home perhaps?  Since then, God has led him on a wild ride of occupational opportunities from musician, to case manager, to crisis counselor, to Army chaplain, to Pastor of Care.  All the while, drawing Keith to the task of extending Christ’s offer of grace through faith to those who are hurting – both within the church and without.

Heather Stannard

Pastor of Families and Children

After many years away, Heather has finally returned home! Several years ago, Heather served RCC as the youth pastor and now many of her students have grown, have kids, and she is back to love on them and their children! Born and raised in Southern California, Heather grew up in the church, but her faith really became her own in high school and college. Spend a few minutes with her and you can’t escape the love and passion she has for God and people. It was this love and passion that took her to Talbot Theological Seminary in a pursuit to deepen her roots in ministry. As a mom of two delightful girls, Heather is PASSIONATE about families and equipping them to love and lead their kids to Jesus. She is full of energy and life and is always up for adventure! If she is not at church with her husband or her girls, she is drinking milk tea at a park reading or in the pool, swimming her heart out!

Brian Betts

Executive Pastor and Pastor of CoMMUNICATIONS

Brian's life changed when he arrived at RCC in 2007 and through this community's encouragement, he finally started reading the Bible for himself.  His subsequent journey created a more accurate picture of God's plan and a fire for Jesus that led him to pursue a full-time role in ministry as a pastor.
Along with his continued pursuit of our all-sufficient God, Brian's life is also heavily influenced by his lovely wife and their two daughters -  who always keep dad on his toes.
Spend a few minutes with Brian and you'll see that his experiences prior to his role as a pastor - including sports teams, rock bands, and 15+ years of marketing - have sharpened his desire for collective success, his dry sense of humor, and his understanding that grace from an Almighty God is the most important thing anyone could ever "buy".

Jonny Burns


Jonny may be the only pastor in town that doesn’t drink coffee...but he does play golf (and baseball) so that covers part of the basic requirements for being a pastor. Most importantly, half-way through his work toward a degree in education at Biola University, Jonny discovered his two main passions in life: God’s Word and people. These two passions drove him straight into seminary, where he received his Masters Degree from Talbot. For years, Jonny has been connecting with middle school and high school aged students through his roles at Forest Home, coaching baseball, and interning at RCC.  With the privilege of watching him up close as he connects with this crucial age group, we believe Jonny's passion and proven skills wonderfully equip him to fight for young people as they grow toward a Christ-filled life of joy in pursuing God. Jonny especially enjoys passionately pursuing life in Christ and really enjoying experiencing Him with his wife as a team.

Hannah Nelson

Associate Director of Students and Communications

Hannah was born and raised in Orange County, and can’t seem to leave. You could say it is the beautiful beaches, but she will tell you it is because of Angels baseball and Disneyland. During college, Hannah volunteered with our Student Ministries, investing in students and pursuing a deeper relationship with Jesus. After graduating from BIOLA University, she worked at Forest Home Christian Conference Center combining her two passions (and degrees) - art and Jesus. It was in her two years as a director where she discovered that her deepest desire is for people to know that they are seen, known, and loved by God. 

After 3 years of camp, Hannah decided to come home and bring this desire back to RCC, where she first worked as receptionist and graphic designer. Hannah is excited to incorporate her passion for communication and desire for people to see, know, and love God through their time at RCC. 


Front Desk

Sonya and her husband are empty nesters who love spending time with friends and their 3 adult children, daughter-in-love, and their granddaughter. Having come to faith in junior high, she has never stopped pursuing ways to more deeply understand God’s heart and endless grace in her life.  Spend anytime with Sonya and you immediately see that she knows that Jesus has made all difference and brought a life of joy!

Prior to joining the RCC staff, Sonya has been a deaconess, adult fellowship leader, and a staff member of another church, directing a ministry that reached out to international students and brought them together with American friends, inviting them into their homes, celebrating holidays together and ultimately introducing them to Jesus.   

Bany Teo


For everyone who meets Bany, they can’t help but walk away smiling. If you get a chance to get to know him, you quickly see how blessed he knows he has been. He’s always willing to help you, find out how you are, and share what brings him joy today.  In addition to being a proud father and grandfather, he’s a great cook and is always willing to share some of his favorite Guatemalan delicacies with everyone he can.