Growing Together - Day 8: Peace

Growing Together – Day 8: Peace

READ: Romans 8:38-39

38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The circumstances of life seem most likely to rob us of our peace.  We have hopes, dreams, desires, and expectations.  When these are unmet, we are tempted toward anger, fear, bitterness, and worry.

We might not imagine ourselves disrespecting or dishonoring God’s love by our fear.  We are just worried.  We don’t ‘mean’ anything by it.  We are just angry, frustrated, disappointed...  Circumstances are not going the way we envisioned them. 

In these moments, we are tempted to believe either that something got in God’s way, and He is unable to deliver on His love for us (an insult to His strength and/or His wisdom), or that God no longer has good in mind for those who love Him – specifically me (a direct contradiction of Paul’s words in Romans 8). 

These are the times when we need to have truth at the ready – having already become convinced – we remind ourselves of the truth and use it as a weapon against the tempter.

MEMORIZE: Romans 8:38-39.  It is not long.  It is one of those statements of truth that I remember when I am tempted toward fear. 

SING ALONG: I memorized Romans 8:38-39 in a song.  Maybe it will be helpful for you too.  I included the early 90s version that I learned (first link), and a hipper, newer expression of the same idea (second).  And, if one of these gets stuck in your head - I win.
