We Believe That God…
has wired each of us to be happy and desires that we find our greatest joy in Him. We also believe that He wants all of us to have some company along the way - to be helped by those who are a little further along and to help those who may not have as much experience yet.
Why? Because the Bible tells us that this is God's plan - to seek Him with all our heart, soul, and mind and to love others as we do this. On Sundays. In small groups. In our neighborhoods, schools, sidelines and to the ends of the earth.
Christmas &
Year End Messages
To see any of our Christmas series as well as our 12/26 service click the button bellow
3 Ways to Join!
1. Livestream at 9am
2. In-Person, Outside @ 9am
3. In-Person, Inside @ 10:45am
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