Campus Improvements are Underway
Now that the congregation has approved the use of our building reserve fund to improve the Worship Center, we’re excited to see those changes come to life as we find more ways to make RCC a place where people can feel comfortable enough to pursue more joy in Jesus.
One More Decision to Make
One part of this process includes deciding on refurbishing our existing pews or installing all new, theater-style seating. We believe that the new seating will provide significant value toward are goal of providing a comfortable place for people.
However, in order to implement this option, we need $100,000 beyond the existing funds we have in reserve for this project.
How You Can Help Us Decide
If you would like new seating too and would like to give toward the goal of $100,000 to fund it, you can do so in this way:
Online: Click this link and choose “New Seating Fund” from the “Designation” drop down box.
By Check: Please write “New Seating Fund” in the memo and place your check in “For God” box on Sunday or mail to the church office - 5320 Richfield Rd. Yorba Linda, 92886
What Will the Seats Look Like
While we won’t have the exact details until we