LUKE 9:1-9


September 8, 2013

Todd Chapman

Luke 9:1-9 ESV: [1] And he called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases, [2] and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal. [3] And he said to them, “Take nothing for your journey, no staff, nor bag, nor bread, nor money; and do not have two tunics. [4] And whatever house you enter, stay there, and from there depart. [5] And wherever they do not receive you, when you leave that town shake off the dust from your feet as a testimony against them.” [6] And they departed and went through the villages, preaching the gospel and healing everywhere. [7] Now Herod the tetrarch heard about all that was happening, and he was perplexed, because it was said by some that John had been raised from the dead, [8] by some that Elijah had appeared, and by others that one of the prophets of old had risen. [9] Herod said, “John I beheaded, but who is this about whom I hear such things?” And he sought to see him. 

  • Jesus trusts others, He trusts us to speak and act on His behalf.
  • Jesus trusts others (us) with the gospel.
  • Jesus gives instructions on how He wants to be represented. Jesus’ plan works.